Vampires Aren’t the Blood Sucking Creatures to Worry About this Halloween

If you have kids you might want to watch out for a lice invasion this Halloween season. It was reported that lice centers have seen an increase in cases during this time according to Claire Roberts, CEO of Lice Clinics of America.

“Anytime there are holidays and…friends gathered together, particularly young age groups and they are hugging and putting their heads together, that’s how lice get passed,” Roberts said in a USA Today article.

It was reported there were about 6 million to 12 million lice infestations in children aged three-years-old to 11 years-old each year.

Since children tend to swap items that go near the head – like hairbrushes, hats, wigs, and costumes – during Halloween the risk is high. Roberts said in the future parents should not be worried about lending out costumes since lice can’t survive off blood for 24 hours. It really is only the swapping of head accessories back and forth that causes spreading of lice.