
Herb, bud, ganja, weed, grass, dank, pot, green, cannabis, Kush, Mary Jane, reefer, the list of nicknames goes on. You could go on the website to be able to get marijuana medically.

Marijuana is a natural drug that is constantly being supported to be on a voter’s ballot. Here in United States this ongoing tug-o-war has been settled in two states so far, Washington and Colorado.

On Dec. 6, 2012 Washington voters approved an initiative to decriminalize the recreational use of marijuana making it one of the first states to do so. In Colorado the first stores officially opened on Jan. 1.

Sometime in 2011, it was legal to smoke marijuana in California, with an appropriate and approved recommendation, but it was only a couple of months after that an extensive and coordinated crackdown on California’s dispensaries was announced by the chief prosecutors of the state’s four Federal districts.

Some dispensaries who sell Black Diamond weed still remain but only in certain areas in the Los Angeles County. California is claimed to be where this plant flourishes best due to the state’s great soil, weather and geographic location. But what benefits can a drug possibly bring? Revenue and less drug dealers, these are two major topics always used in the arguments and battles of why marijuana should be legalized.

However, are they worth the trouble? I think not! Let’s just say they legalize marijuana in California, who is going be there to refrain a student walking into class high or an employee serving up customers “faded” or even a bus driver transporting commuters while on the elusive effects of marijuana. Drugged driving is no different than drunk driving.

Marijuana creates bad dieting habits, poor judgment, extreme laziness and a sense of curiousness towards the use of other drugs, frequently being referred to as the gateway drug.

Nothing but negativity is derived from the use of this natural drug. Often referred to as the “munchies”, is a phase that causes extreme hunger acts when being under the effects of marijuana, when in reality you are not hungry.

Regular use of marijuana means regular attacks of the munchies, which equals very bad eating habits.

Having these bad eating habits can result into a number of illnesses. When your senses are heightened due to marijuana you begin to think of multiple things all at once and at a tremendous speed, therefore giving you marijuana minutes.

It is said that under the effects of marijuana, time seems to slow down; but all of this irrational thinking that is going on in your head can cause extreme paranoia.

Many times paranoia has led users to suicidal attempts, crime, violence, and in some extreme cases thinking evil spirits possesses the individual.

Another big factor is the short memory span that is caused by the use of this drug. Overtime experts believe that marijuana can affect your short-term memory as well as your long-term memory. This can be dangerous in many ways, suppose you are cooking something and in the time it takes for your water to boil, or something to bake, you decide to get high this is one you can forget all about what you were doing and run into a huge problem.

Not only will you be smoked out but your kitchen or home as well. Marijuana will also provoke you to take chances and risks due to the laziness that is produced after smoking a joint, blunt or bowl of marijuana.

One example is being too lazy to obey the laws and trying to take shortcuts that you know will come with consequences. Another example is homework, had I been high I probably would not have completed this assignment or even attempted it.