Fortnite Season 5 is Here!
The long awaited Season 5 has finally arrived! After weeks of being teased by Epic with a number of events taking place. From the Rocket taking off, to items being removed from the game, and probably most importantly the meteor finally hitting the ground.
For sometime now people have been speculating what the theme might be, and one of the most popular guess was time travel. They kinda got it right the whole theme to season 5 is worlds colliding. And that’s exactly what we got with tons of new locations with lots more to do now.
The biggest and most recognizable changes happened to Moisty Mire is now a desert vacation spot called Paradise Palms. With a huge hotel right in the center, and a race track off to the side of it. Adding this in was part of the whole worlds colliding event, which is why Moisty had been removed.
Next we have Lazy Links which was once Anarchy Acres. This change is new but not all to drastice. What once was a cozy farm is now a country club with tons to explore. If you look hard enough you might be able to find a golf cart to ride around in with your friends.
The last two are pretty interesting as well. The impact of the meteor Dusty Divot is now full of life. What was once a dirty filled lab is now booming with grass and trees all over the place. It even has a pond. This was being heavily hinted at during season 4 because of the trees and grass coming up through the season.
Lastly we have the viking base right next to snobby shores. This place is flat out awesome with a giant viking ship overseeing the map with tons of cool things to look at.
Something worth noting is that with the new season means some things do have to go. And sadly a fan favorite which is the hop rocks that we all loved. Not to worry at all there are rifts around the map that you can enter that allow to to teleport in the sky and land somewhere new! So it’s a great way to escape or get the jump on people.
Last but not least we the Battle pass which is anything less than awesome. It comes with some pretty great skins of Vikings, soldiers, bikers, and a some kind of spray painting traveler known as the “Drift”. Cool beach , soccer, golf balls toys that you can play around with.
This season had a lot of hype around it and it seems like they’ve lived up to it and some. Be sure to keep a look out for more things to be added because they are known to do so. So hurry up and play the Battle Pass is here for only 74 more days!