Quantum Teleportation Is Here

Beam me up, Scotty! Because quantum teleportation is here…well kinda. A team of scientists in China have just made a huge breakthrough in the way we communicate. They are saying this is the most secure way to communicate with others as well, without fear of someone interfering with it.

You may be wondering what this is called well they call it “Quantum Communication” or better known as “Quantum Teleportation”. What they did was send information using only water particles to get from point A to point B. This is the very first time something like this has ever been achieved.

What the team of scientists did was send information through a 10.8 foot long tank of seawater. But they are predicting that they will be able to use this secure way of communicating through .55 of open water.

This is all based off a weird phenomenon Albert Einstein called “Spooky at a Distance”. Quantum entanglement, in simpler terms, is when two particles become extremely linked together, whatever happens to one happens to the other no matter the distance. Although this is the first time we’ve been able to do this underwater, doesn’t mean this is new at all. Matter of fact we’ve been able to do this in optic fiber and space. Earlier this year, Chinese researchers were able to use quantum entanglement to teleport information to a satellite in earth’s orbit 311 miles away.

As previously mentioned, no one had done this underwater before and to conduct this, researchers from the Shanghai Jiao Tong University took seawater from the Yellow sea and putting it into a 3mm tank. Then they created entangle photons (a type of elementary particle) by shooting a beam of light through a crystal. As predicted, whatever happened to one happened to the other on the opposite side,The information goes through accurately 98% of the time too.

Many people are predicting  this might be the new way of communicating to one another. Some people are even going as far saying this might be used to obtain lightning fast internet for everyday people to use.