Do luxuries bring happiness to our lives?

Tony Ruiz
Tony Ruiz

In today’s society I strongly believe that the luxuries we have in our life bring complete happiness. Many of us all have some type of luxury in our life no matter how small or big it might be. In our society today there are there types of luxuries that everybody works to get and those items are Smart Phones, Clothes, and Cars. It has been said before that these items should be considered as a necessity and not a luxury.

To some extent I would agree with this statement, yes we need a car to get to school, work, or wherever else we need to go but we could still live our life if we didn’t have it. Today’s generation has it drilled in their heads that they need to have the best of the best and it should be handed to them. There is no better feeling in the world then working hard and earning your luxuries. I understand that there are people who are blessed to be brought up in such a luxurious lifestyle.

I am a firm believer that cell phones can bring happiness into our daily life. The cell phones we have in today’s generation are basically a pocket size computer. There are numerous amounts of things we can do on our phones that could bring so much happiness into our lives. Someone of us gain happiness by just being an owner of an iPhone or Samsung device.

For others, the apps that we can download on these phones are what bring us happiness. Social media apps in my eyes have to be the thing that brings happiness into our lives. On social media you can interact with friends, watching trending videos that make you laugh, and most importantly you can be yourself.  

Although social media can bring us happiness I believe the clothes we own have a lot to do with our happiness. I know what you’re thinking you’re wondering how owning clothes is a luxury. Owning clothes is considered a luxury due to the fact a lot of us buy designer clothing. Wearing basic cotton t shirts and buying basic blue jeans are considered a necessity. But in our case we want the Nike clothing or the big name clothes.

That $25 dollar t shirt or 40$ dollar pair of jeans are that price because it is considered a luxury compared to the $5 Hanes cotton t-shirt. There is no better feeling then walking into your favorite designer store buying the clothes you want. We gain self-fulfillment when we make these clothing purchases because we feel we deserve them.

We see our favorite athlete, actor, or artist on a commercial promoting these types of clothes and we feel that we need to buy them to fit in with society.  Even though making these purchases makes us happy, what if further happiness comes from the compliments we receive about them?

The third most popular luxury would be the cars we own. Owning your own car brings much self-fulfillment to our lives. Having your own car means freedom and freedom leads to happiness. You don’t have to rely on other people to get you to where u want to go. Some of the new technology in the cars we own can bring us happiness as well.

It really is the little things such as listening to your favorite song blast through your speakers, or riding in the car with friends that can mean so much more than some new device. Having a car in our possession can take us to where ever happiness for us is at. Some of the happiness we get from our car once again comes from the compliments of others. A lot of time and money goes into your car and when you see your parked and you take the time to see it you realize that all the hard work has paid off which leads you to a sense of self-fulfillment.