Rio Hondo College Newspaper

El Paisano

Rio Hondo College Newspaper

El Paisano

Rio Hondo College Newspaper

El Paisano

Apple Releases the new LiePhone 318,972s

Apple’s hotly anticipated iPhone 5s and 5c were released Friday Sept 20 with assumptions that society’s technological fanatics would go insane.

Well Apple, you got your wish.

Fights broke out on Colorado Boulevard in Old Town Pasadena, tents were set up in front of Apple stores across the nation, and the wait seemed like an eternity for the tech-hungry mobs.

Apple had a limit of 12 iPhone 5c/5s purchases per individual in the stores, yet, that didn’t seem like it was enough for the black market entrepreneurs.

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A local businessman went as far as scamming a large group of homeless people by bribing them to wait in line at the Pasadena location to purchase the new product in bulk. No compensation was rewarded to these disappointed individuals, which proved that people really are that desperate for these new Apple products.

This year’s practically annual Apple extravaganza consisted of a different type of product premiere.

Why did Apple choose to release two nearly identical phones at the same time with different price tags?

On previous release dates, Apple held a strategy that allowed them to sell $99 iPhones, but didn’t allow the company to advertise them as new, interesting products.

The newest product release was simply a scheme to manipulate consumers into believing that they could get the most up-to-date technology for the cheapest price possible. Priced at $199, the standard 16GB iPhone 5s is double the price of the 16GB iPhone 5c.

At only $99, the former price of the iPhone 4s, consumers are able to purchase the “lower-class” iPhone 5c, which consists of a plastic housing. Who the hell would want to carry around a rinky-dink cell phone in their pocket? Honestly, the iPhone 4s is a much better quality phone than the iPhone 5c.

Although the iPhone 5c has a slightly faster processor and larger screen, the iPhone 4s is fully capable of running the new IOS 7 software, which is what the iPhone 5c already comes packaged with.

As an avid iPhone 4s user for almost two years, I can honestly say that a glass and aluminum built phone is much more logically suited for the average commuter.

Another obvious flaw in the advertising and overall existence of the iPhone 5c is the highly stupid color selection that is optionally available to buyers. If you have the least bit of common sense, you would put a case on your phone to proctect it anyways, right?

Why is Apple promoting that there is meaning behind the color of your cell phone? Are individuals really buying into the idea that the color of their cell phone will correlate with their persona?

The ability that Apple has to manipulate and misconstrued society displays their strength beyond the technological world. Not only is this company making billions off of phone enthusiasts, but they are also convincing people that the visual aspects of the phone that they text, call, Tweet, and socialize on is more relevant than ever before.

While the iPhone 5s is a decent upgrade option for iPhone 4s users like myself, the iPhone 5c is an inconvenient and illogical choice to it’s entirety. If you are really going to spend as much as Apple expects you to, whether you are a first-time iPhone buyer or a returning customer, just remember that your participation in this technological and materialistic frenzy will only continue to segregate you simply based on the aspects of your mobile device.

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