Following the results of the recent DAP (District Assigned Personnel) selection, six faculty coordinator positions will be filled for two years beginning this coming fall and ending spring 2015.
The coordinator position of Distance Education will be endowed to none other than Mike Javanmard. Colin Young has been given the position of Honors Program Coordinator. Although the assigned position will be temporary, being limited by the fall semester alone, Marie Eckstrom has been recognized as the Program Review Coordinator. Melissa Rifino-Juarez has been selected to serve as the Study Abroad Coordinator.
The Accreditation Writer/Editor Coordinator position will be limited only to this coming fall semester, the spring 2014 semester, and the fall 2014 semester only. Eckstrom will be in charge of writing and organizing Rio Hondo’s Institutional Self-Evaluation Report which will have been attained and distributed by members of the Standard’s Committees.
Assisting Eckstrom with the reviewing process and data analysis will be Beverly Reilly, a designated member of the Accreditation Leadership Team.
Unfortunately position for the El Monte Educational Center Coordinator was unable to be filled during the DAP selection process.
In an attempt to understand the complexity of the DAP selection process the district sought to established an organized review of the process.
Over the course of several months the Office of Academic Affairs in collaboration with representatives of President’s Cabinets, RHCFA, Academic Senate and other faculty and deans broke the review down in four major steps.
Consistency of position description was the first step in the process. Standardizing position description wherever possible swiftly followed the first step. Term lengths of positions was also discussed with the incorporation of two year cycles with staggered start dates.
Anticipated positions like Institutional Effectiveness Coordinator, Leadership Academy Coordinator, Basic Skills Coordinator, Staff Development/FLEX Coordinator, SWEC Coordinator, and SLO Coordinator are scheduled for next spring with position descriptions sometime in fall of 2014.