Interested in a career in government relations or public affairs? Rio Hondo’s Government Relations Ambassadors for Community Events (GRACE, is now recruiting its newest group of ambassadors for the upcoming 2014-2015 year.
GRACE is open to all Rio Hondo College students who are interested in government relations or community relations. In its second year, GRACE is the ambassador program for the Office of Government and Community Relations (GCR).
GRACE gives students the opportunity to network with government officials and community leaders while providing professional representation of Rio Hondo College events in the community.
The GRACE program will give students the experience they need to succeed in government and community relation jobs and careers. For the current 2013-14 year five Rio Hondo students were recruited to the GRACE program and now it is time for a new group of ambassadors.
Students applying to GRACE must not currently be a member of ASRHC Ambassador and meet the following requirements:
- Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
- Not be on academic or disciplinary probation
- Pay the $7 transportation fee
- Commit to at least summer and fall (with the option of continuing in spring)
- Be available for mandatory monthly meetings on Friday’s (time to be determined)
If you are interested in GRACE and meet these requirements you are strongly encouraged to apply for this great opportunity.
To apply you must complete the application and recommendation form that can be found on the Rio Hondo website at
These forms must be turned in to the office of GCR (L401) no later than Friday, May 2 by 4p.m.
If you have any questions you can contact Russell Castaneda-Calleros at (562) 463-7268 or at [email protected].