The Veteran Service Center is sending out a newsletter to inform veteran students of the opportunities and benefits available on campus.
All veteran students must submit a Work in Progress form each month to validate to the Veterans Administration that they are still attending and progressing in their coursework on campus. As soon as these Work in Progress forms are submitted, the office of the Veteran Service Center will inform the V.A. to pay the veteran for the following month. The next work in progress will be due into the office the last week of February.
Rio Hondo college students, both veteran and not, have a need and right to supportive services in regards of health issues bot physical and emotional. The Veteran Service Center works with the Psychological and DSPS services that are located on campus and numerous community support programs at the Campus Veteran Service Center to assist veterans. AmVets assists veterans with their disability claims. Interns from the Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Abuse, UCLA Mednet, meet with veterans and their family members fir behavioral skills building workshops, and the Campus Mental Health Grant Program, are just a few of the services offered to veteran students.
If you wish to engage in one of these services, Dr Dyrell Foster would be the first person to contact, should you also have any immediate concern in regards to a particular veteran student.
Veteran students in good standing can receive up to a $300 loan for emergency purposes. Forms will take five to ten days to process.
Veterans can also receive free tutoring in the Veteran Service Center.