Student Trustee Marcus Gomez has resigned from his post in office as student trustee representative. Gomez’s resignation was made official on Aug. 27. Gomez was elected to a one year term by the Rio Hondo College student body by popular vote; he was to serve in office from 2012-2013.
Details regarding Gomez’s resignation are still pending. A personal statement by ex-student trustee Gomez has not yet been released. The Student Life and Leadership Office of RHC will conduct an election for interested students who meet the qualifications to fill the position left by Gomez.
Interested students wishing to fill out and submit an application for the available student trustee position can do so at the Student Life and Leadership Office located on the second floor of the Student Union Building- SU 201. Application submission deadline was Sept. 5. Further contact information can be found through logging in to the Access Rio Portal. An email was sent out to all RHC students who have active RHC email accounts on Tuesday Aug. 28.
As a student trustee, students must be enrolled in a college of the district for a minimum of 5 semester units. Among other qualifications students are to show an interest in serving as a trustee in a governing team, an open mind, a desire to learn, the ability to represent the district accurately and professionally and the time to devote to office.
Applying and interested students should possess these qualities to meet eligibility. A much thorough list of attributes “On Being a Student Trustee” is available for viewing by interested students at Http://