Do What’s Left Of You, Mr. Comey

We all look to officials for putting rules in place and ending madness’ rampant monotony, though I fear we’ve grown to only be wary of the fire-headed nuclear obscenity wielding tyrant like the most damaging of power moves aren’t made daily in silence.


To those that maintain it as being somewhat of a resolution that Mr. Comey has, at last, made offensive remarks all for the sake of upholding what’s left of his character and that of this nation’s offices, please exit stage right because this dramatic procession that has gripped our nation by the liberty appears increasingly staged.For those that don’t know, Mr. James Comey has finally found his way out of the woodwork of a White house whose administration has been up in arms about as much as those of the gun-toting alt-right base it panders to.


Sanctity of humanity and prosperity of any state is seldom the work of men who work directly under the supervision of the public eye. For truly, what good if any can come of men who are reluctant to uphold ethics for fear that it may be at the expense of their own reputation and carefully crafted character? Where well-wishing for the countries risk is warranted, it’s admittedly often at the expense of appearing noble in the eyes of a fickle public.


Though unfortunately, Mr. James Comey can’t even be that silent hero whose fall from grace is staged for the greater good as he himself appears a part of the problem. I’d beckon all to realize  that silence in face of evil, is just an egregious misdeed as endorsing that very same evil. It is crass how Comey’s very own craft has come round to come to make a mockery out of him. His ability to coerce and engage in the art of finesse as the former Director of the FBI has been overshadowed by a man that routinely makes a punk of Mr. Comey as much as he does himself.


Rather than fight, it has been the work of Mr. Comey to question, publish tell-all books, and make quick-witted quips at a man whose legitimate claim to the presidency has been all the same of those very things. Where there was supposed to be a weighing of the lesser of two evils like we all as the American people did and shall do henceforth every-time we go to the ballot box, there was no hesitation by Mr. James Comey to cast a decisive blow and make his allegiance to himself known.


For but a moment, observe the state of the union where those who were once appointed with its safety, have to flee the country following their dismissal from the domestic homeland’s office of security. Actions such as these, are akin only to being run out of your backyard by the next door neighbor’s cat. Comey, with all his audacity and newly created agenda, has crawled out of depths of wherever all for the sake of rivaling Houdini in the race for the title of the most remarkable feat of disappearance.


The reason I contend that James Comey and Donald Trump’s uncharacteristically public feud is something damaging to neither of them two clowns, but “us” instead, is that the “U.S.” in the past tense will only be remarked by present populaces in the future to have been a magnificent blunder. Our officials in this day and age will live on in infamy for the berating they’ve simply endured by the silent operatives of other nations looking to capitalize on our divisiveness. While lady justice stands at attention with her blindfold intact (or is it anymore?) and sword in tow, there’s virtually no ability for impartiality to be upheld for in this technological state as Comey himself made known, as what is withheld in this age of instant communication, is telling enough to take a side, and perhaps more understood than spoken word in the minds of a people who are more paranoid than ever before. I would implore Comey that the cost of a man believing himself impartial of all the crime in the world, is a penance paid only in blood, dignity, and doom.


To the honorable James Brien Comey Jr., on trial within the consciences of all the American People for the aggrandizement of propriety and Democracy, listen closely. Absolutely nothing in the one presidential race of all races that mattered warranted enough of a means for the recourse of action you elected to employ. However, that’s neither here nor there. If there’s one thing I ask of you since you now insist on being seen and heard so adamantly, please, for one time’s satisfaction and all our sakes, remove the gloves and engage in old-fashioned politics.


I mean what have you got to lose, your character?