Rio Hondo College Newspaper

El Paisano

Rio Hondo College Newspaper

El Paisano

Rio Hondo College Newspaper

El Paisano

A new coach and a new team

It may be Coach Mike Lowe’s first year being Head Coach Rio Hondo’s Men’s College Basketball team, but it sure isn’t his first time coaching.

The retired High School Basketball coach from La Serna High School has made a name for himself in the past 35 seasons and being most proud of his consistency.

In the past 35 seasons Coach Lowe has had 31 winning records, some including 16 league championships, a CIF championship and a State Championship.

When asked what his favorite championship was, Coach Lowe responded with, “Winning a state championship was pretty cool.” then laughed, ”If you know why you win and why you lose then you can use that information to make you better and you have success.

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So I try to teach the guys why things are happening and why they’re not happening.”

One of Coach Lowe’s favorite things about coaching has been the friendships he’s made.

“I’ve got great friendships and relationships with people that I have coached for the whole time I’ve been through it.”

Some of his players have gone on to have coaching careers of their own. When Coach Lowe talks about the difference in coaching, saying that coaching is coaching and that it is a bit easier to talk to his players now because he is talking to young men other than boys.

Although Coach Lowe has had many successful seasons he does not expect everyone to want a championship from him on his first year.

But he does think they’ll expect, “That I’m going to give it my full effort everyday, and I kind of expect that from them. Very rarely have I taken a team in the beginning of the year and said our goal is to win a championship, that’s not what we’re doing, our goal is to be good on a daily basis.”

Coach Lowe is indeed excited for the upcoming season saying practice is fun, they have a very good atmosphere, and he feels like they’re a good group and they’re all in it together.

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