Fortnite Had the Largest Concert Ever Online

If you play Fortnite chances are you participated in world history.

Biggest game in the world, Fortnite, had a concert over the weekend with anyone with a connection to the world wide web able to attend.

Christopher Comstock better known as “DJ Marshmello” performed his 10 minute set online in-game on Fortnite with 10 million viewers making it the biggest virtual performance of all time, reported by The Independent.

Marshmello tweeted about the online event stating, “We made history today, The first ever live virtual concert inside of @fortnite with millions of people in attendance. So insane, thank you Epic Games and everyone who made this possible!” He also expressed on twitter that what made him happiest was seeing so many experience an online concert for the first time.

During the event in-game the developer of the game, Epic Games, disabled all weapons of all players during the online event so DJ Marshmello could not be killed by a different player during his set up virtual in-game set, allowing all 1o million reported watching to view in peace.

Since its adoption of the free to play model, Fortnite has garnered the attention of over 200 million players on just about any platform you can think of. Having players battle against each other in teams or alone in a free for all format.

“This concert was about gaming and music really coming together and allowing so many different possibilities in the future, Enough with the haters,” Marshmello stated.