Savvy, Business Savvy

What does it take to run your own business?

There are few things in mind as the owner and CEO of your own company/business:

  • What appeals to the consumer?
  • Which products are currently selling the most?
  • Is this ‘hot’ or is it ‘not.’
  • Are your consumers more likely to be male or female?

More importantly how one sets to sell their expertise on services and/or products that one is trying to sell.

In an example, you could be a massage therapist looking to open a new massage parlor for a service. Even a health clinic that incorporates a healthier alternative to your daily life. All of this along with products that provide aid in living a healthier life.

Let’s agree that the core of a business is advertising and marketing. Hall Harris, of “The Influence of Advertising on Business,” states, “Advertising showcases products and services, seeking to persuade audiences to buy. It is a promotional tool that creates consumer awareness about a company’s products and services and drives business growth,” he goes onto say, “The Internet has revolutionized the advertising industry, expanding it from traditional forms such as broadcast and print media into the realm of social media.”

Moreover, Harris also claims that businesses have a greater challenge now. It must face constant competition to improve the effect of advertising. Also to make sure businesses are up-to-date in their techniques, “…to create awareness, drive sales, maintain market share and establish brand identity.”

Ann Yamamotto, a small business owner who works with Rodan+Fields, is no stranger to these types of business obstacles. “First you have to know your clientele market,” Yamamotto goes onto say, “Is it for teens, moms, men, etc. You need to know your competitors and how they market and find your strength and what makes your product service better.”

“Follow up is key to any business,” Yamamotto explains, “If you run a social media ad…you got to follow up and check the feedback, clicks, etc. see what works what doesn’t.” The same way you follow up for ads,  your consumers and clientele need it as well. “Follow up with customers see what they liked, what needs improvement,” Yamamotto claims.

Advertising your business means strategies; multiple ways one can make sure their ad makes it to the eyes of the consumer. Depending on what type of business can really help narrow down what works and what doesn’t. Yamamotto first ran a family-owned Tae-Kwon-Do school. “I wouldn’t waste my money on print ads or even yelp ads because the majority of our customers came to us by word-of-mouth referrals or walk-ins,” Yamamotto stated, “So I did in-house promotions like bringing a friend and getting a free t-shirt or bought an iPad and did a contest; whoever brought the most friends wins.”

Consistency and a very good reporting engine can help your business, they’re ideal in maintaining and running your business and making sure that it strives to stay successful. It’s like going to the gym. For instance, results do not appear in just one day or one week; possibly in a month or two. However, you have to keep at it and bulk up your business like you would your muscles. Steve Jobs once said, “If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.”