What Creating Fear Has Done to Us

To create fear is a useful tactic for those who want to establish control. It is a tactic used by individuals with ideologies and a lack of resources and/or who are oppressed to achieve a certain kind of goal.

Creating fear can be done by anyone, not just those who fit the stereotypical image of “terrorist” we have embedded into our society since the 9/11 attack. Anyone can inspire fear in another individual or group of individuals to gain control.

Consider how we as individuals have been conditioned to be good citizens in our society by following the rules and if we break the rules then there are consequences. Parents, teachers, and others of authority teach children everyday that there consequences to our wrongful actions.

If students do not do their work, it will affect their grade which may affect their academic future. If children disobey their parents, there is discipline. If we are to break the law we can be arrested and then have a criminal record.

Individuals are conditioned to be good citizens by creating fear of the consequences if they are not cooperated. Fear is created and used by those who have taught us the importance of being a good and lawful person.

At a young age, individuals are introduced to the power of inspiring fear which has made it nearly unnoticeable in our everyday lives. We are more worried with security threats and terrorist attacks since they strike fear in more obvious ways.

Since the 9/11 attack, the American public has been afraid of another terrorist attack, and since then, we have complied to certain security measures that would otherwise be seen as unnecessary just for us to feel safe in our own country.

Just for us to feel safe, we give up the liberties that our very country laid the foundation to be. This all occurs due to fear being created.

Although, the invasion of our personal privacy for security measures is not a new issue, it is an issue that has been happening for so long that it is now apart of our society and it is normalized.

On Twitter, there is the current meme of knowing that our own personal FBI Agent is responsible for watching us through the cameras of our cell phones and laptops. The invasion of personal privacy has obviously been normalized to the point of comedy. The constant use of this joke has desentized us to believe that the idea of being watched is acceptable.

Instead of being infuriated by the invasion of our privacy we now crack jokes in an attempt to rationalize how completely terrified we are of living in a world like today’s..

We hastily complied to TSA checkpoints, the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, enhanced surveillance, security, and background checks without much of a hesitation.We also did not think twice when our government prioritized military spending over education, healthcare, and necessary social programs. According to NationalPrioritiesProject.org,

“In the decade following Sept. 11, 2001, military spending increased 50 percent, adjusted for inflation.”

Creating fear does not just force us to comply or be good citizens, fear can be created for profit.

Commercials for home security systems shows the audience the dangerous and scary possibilities a homeowner can face if they do not have a security system.

The demand and selling of home security measures rose. More and more homes installed cameras and security codes, purchased firearms, or other means of safety. Gun stock rose, and still rises after every mass shooting that occurs, due to the public’s fear.

Militarization of our local police increased as the military spending increased. The surplus of military weaponry police received did not occur in all neighborhoods, mainly just in the neighborhoods compiled predominantly of people of color.

The fear that was created and reinforced by political figures and the media has shifted the public’s perception of what it means to be safe and what needs to be done to feel safe.

It is the manipulation of the concept of fear that has allowed individuals to accept certain beliefs about our society that might have otherwise not existed.