Unhealthy v Healthy Relationships

The Rio Hondo’s Women Breaking Free Club hosted a workshop about Unhealthy vs Healthy “Red Flags”. Held on Tuesday 4/11 in the Student Lunge as a part of their workshops for that week. The workshop consisted of learning the importance of boundaries within the relationship. In addition, when to know the signs of an abusive relationship. The workshop noted that relationships exist on a spectrum and included scenarios of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships.

Examples of Healthy vs Unhealthy

With these examples, Glenn Heap from the Student Health and Psychological Services lead the group. He spoke about the difference in tone and how you approach problems that may arise in relationships. Those who attended, myself included read aloud each example given from the list of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships.  After they gave their thoughts and opinions. The club members helped the atmosphere feel safe enough to speak out about their trials and tribulations.

Family and Friend Relationships

To add, not only were there talks about romantic relationships but platonic friendships and family relationships as well. One important thing to note was that with dating, a new problem of digital abuse can arise. Heap talked about this subject and how constant spamming of texts and demands of replies can be considered unhealthy. Then. if not checked, abusive.

Furthermore, a scenario of this was the trust between partners. One example, looking through your partner’s phone without them knowing is not healthy. The level of trust that is established in a relationship and how to properly go about any concerns that may arise. Also, Heap brought up an acronym “HALT”, to help regulate when to talk or discuss things. Never engage in something that may arise in the conflict if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired, as this can cloud judgment and make matters worse. Alongside these helpful acronyms comes along the 24-48-72 hour rule where space and time are given for one of the parties involved in the relations to really stop and think about the problem and help provide a solution.

In conclusion, the most important things from this workshop were being able to set boundaries, how effectively communicate, as well as knowing the signs of toxic behaviors before it is too late. The club has many more to offer including upcoming workshops that include things like practicing self-affirmations, writing individual break-free letters, and how to live a balanced and healthy guilt-free life all thanks to founder Lesly Tavira.