Whittier’s Brand New News Publication

The Peoples Publication The GreenLeaf Guardian

The Watchdog of the City  

The city of Whittier prospers on the Hope and perseverance of its citizens. And because of its peoples resilience, it’s survived hard times and grown under the light of opportunity. 

Whittier’s brand new print publication,  GreenLeaf Guardian, considers itself the watchdog of the city. Through its paper, it’s determined to foster the growth of its readers the city it calls home. 

Since November first, the Greenleaf Guardian has worked to bring the citizens of whittier unbiased reporting on their hometown. Eric Pearson, editor of the Greenleaf Guardian, spoke to El Paisano on the direction and founding of the publication. 

” four or five months ago, a group of whittier civic leaders and business owners got together, and got really serious about starting a newspaper. “

The Formation

These frustrated members of the community contacted Eric and his team. Because they felt a void within the city that the paper could fill. Because he and his team have been also running the Downey Patriot for several years, they seemed to be the perfect team to run a similar publication in Whittier.

The content covered ranges from City Council Meetings, High School Sports, City Events, local interest stories and more. While they keep updated through city press releases and social media, Eric and his team are always looking for a new way to share another whittier story. 

” a couple of weeks ago I went to a Whittier’s Lion Club meeting, and was bombarded by people just offering story ideas. “

And because of the give and take relationship the Guardian has set up, their stories range from local political drama to profile stories. The only limit being that the story have some value to Whittier and/or its citizens.

The organization also promises to publish impartial local journalism. And through this, it Hopes to earn the trust of the community. Pearson, on the topic of news bias, stated that, 

“Our role is to inform and educate and not tell people how to think, or how we think. We just want to give you the facts and leave it at that.”

What’s Next

The paper stands as a source of Information for the community that can respond and change with them. They Distribute about 6,000 every friday to single family homes, as well as coffee shops, restaurants ; high traffic commercial areas. 

You can order a subscription of the paper on greenleafguardian.com , or pick them up from various locations across whittier for free. The paper are now fully funded by advertisers from the community. 

You can check out more GreenLeaf Guardian content at their Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram of the same name.