The Maria Generation: Young people are dying and suffering on an Island

Homes of 60,000 students were destroyed by Hurricane Maria.

Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on September 20, 2017 and noticed as the worst natural disaster since Hurricane Jean in 2004. The Category 4 hurricane left millions without electricity or running water. Children suffered from depression and worsened after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico and Dominica. Suicide victims were 25 years or younger which the Centro de Periodismo Investigativo(CPI) sued the Puerto Rico Government.

The unofrutnate disaster affected many families and children in Puerto Rico between September 20, 2017 towards the year. It was very difficult for them to survive without homes, water and power service. They believed they were going to die, and witnessed fights and violence.

Forensics experts reported 82 deaths and labeled as suicides. And roughly 3,000 people were severely injured.

Rosaura Orengo-Aguayo, an assistant professor at the Medical University of South Carolina displayed more than 7 percent of students showed signs of post-traumatic stress disorder. Other students showed signs of depression. People affected by Hurricane attempted to kill themselves in a reported 50% increase in a suicide attempt. Dr. Irwin Redlener, director of the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University New York, stated many of the student deaths could have been avoided. Children with other mental conditions were most affected by the storm.

Hurricane Maria did not only affect the children in Puerto Rico but made their lives even harder. More than half of the children who lived in Puerto Rico lived in poverty which increased to 80% after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico.

The families in Puerto Rico have lost so much after the tragedy in Hurricane Maria. It made individuals think about ending their lives and leaving the island they once called home. Families and children must stay strong and find a way to survive the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.