Donald Trump Demands Apology from “Hamilton” Cast

President-elect Donald Trump took to twitter demanding an apology from the Hamilton musical cast about their statement to Vice President-elect Mike Pence about inequality.

Friday, November 18, after the play Hamilton was performed, actor Brandon Victor Dixon playing Aaron Burr delivered a message to Mike Pence regarding concerning the new administration potential policies.

“We are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that the new administration will not protect us,” Hamilton said in his address to Pence.

Trump went on Twitter in the early hours of the morning Nov. 18, saying that “The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!”

Trump has also stated in a different tweet that Pence was harassed by the media and that this should not happen.

Pence stated in an interview with Fox News this past Nov. 11 that he was not offended by the topic openly discussed to him. Pence even praised the show as “incredible”and the cast were an “incredibly talented.”

“I did hear what was said from the stage, and I can tell you I wasn’t offended by what was said. I’ll leave to others whether that was the appropriate venue to say it,” Pence said.

Dixon stated in an appearance on CBS This Morning that was nothing to apologize for.

“Conversation is not harassment, and I really appreciate that Vice President elect Mike Pence stood there and listened to what we had to say.”

Jeffrey Seller, the producer of the play, asked Dixon to speak on behalf of the cast about half an hour before the show ended. Dixon said he was happy to speak on their behalf since the words he shared were about love and unity.

“Art is meant to bring people together. It’s meant to raise consciousness,” said Dixon.