Rio Hondo conducts earthquake drill

Rio Hondo had an Emergency Preparedness Drill on Oct. 21. At approximately 10:20 a.m. students were instructed to drop and take cover underneath their desks.

Alarms echoed throughout the campus letting everyone know it was time to go to their designated emergency area.

Students were escorted out of  buildings and waited patiently at their designated sites for news that it was all clear to go back to class.

“I think it’s awesome that they want to be prepared for when a real emergency hits. Although, I do think it will be a lot more hectic than this,” said student Berenice Morales.

This drill allows for people to practice the procedures that will be followed to keep everyone safe and out of harms way.

For years people have been anticipating the “Big One” to hit California.

The long overdue earthquake that is estimated to be one of California’s most catastrophic earthquakes ever has had Californians anticipating and preparing for “The Big One”

According to FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the first thing people should do is react safely.

I think it’s awesome that they want to be prepared for when a real emergency hits. Although, I do think it will be a lot more hectic than this.

— Berenice Morales

When out in public during an earthquake it is recommended that people do not panic and do not rush for the exit. It is considered best to cover the neck and head while staying low.

California’s Department of Conservation suggests that if you find yourself outdoors, look for an open area that is clear of falling trees, power lines, buildings and anything else that has the potential to fall.

The Department of Conservation also suggest that if you are driving at the time of an earthquake, you should stop your vehicle. “If you’re driving, move the car out of traffic and stop. Avoid parking under or on bridges or over passes. Try to get clear of trees, light posts, signs and power lines. When you resume driving, watch out for road hazards.”

For more information and tips on how to be prepared when an earthquake strikes or other emergencies, visit or 

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