The new Freshman Success Center is now available to all first year students!
Located in the new Student Services Center in room SS350, the Freshman Success Center opened in the fall and continues to offer help with a variety of programs to help jump start new and returning student’s educational careers. Some services include: help with registration, counseling services, assistance with the financial aid application, navigating through the AccessRio website and much more.
As part of the new Student Success initiative, Rio Hondo’s plan is to focus on the two-year transfer path and to properly prepare new students for their educational careers.
The initiative for this success center was prompted by the states 2012 Students Success Act, which funds community college services such as orientations, assessments, counseling and advising. This initiative is all about the success of the student.
Since student success at Rio Hondo is crucial for the college as a whole, administrators would like to focus resources on the needs of the freshman.
The Freshman Success Center is designed to manage 1,800 students and ensures that students not only declare a major, but that they develop an educational plan early on.
The new centers objective is to increase in degree completion and certifications as well as successful transferring to a four-year University.
This center can be combined with other great student resource centers here on campus such as the Transfer Center located in the Student Services building in Room SS250.
With the help of centers like these students can create a culture of learning and success to help students pursue greatness and prepare them for the future.
Get involved and visit the new Freshman Success Center today!