Two mandatory training sessions adhered by the district were held last Tuesday and Thursday at the Wray Theatre to classified employees and administrators on two topics: Emergency response to an active-shooter scenario, and How to respond appropriately to sexual harassment and how to recognize it when it occurs.
Don Mason, Interim Associate Dean of Public Safety, encourages students to attend the Town Hall meeting this Thursday, Oct. 3, where they will not only talk about Active-shooting response and mention what a student should do in case of an attack, but mention any Financial Aid Updates, as well as Transfer updates and talk about Student Success in the Classroom. The Town Hall meeting will  also be videotaped for viewing to the students who are unable to attend.
All students are encouraged to attend, and in case any student or faculty member suspects suspicious activity on campus please contact Dr. Dyrell Foster, Dean of Student Affairs. He’s located on the first floor of the Student Services Building.