Weekly Horoscope: May 17-23


This week the universe will help you evolve in anything you want to pursue. You have been thinking a lot about money pisces. You aren’t irresponsible regarding money but you do wish to obtain a lifestyle you dream of. As a result creating a plan can help you reach your goals and the lifestyle you seek.


This week you will notice that a goal that seemed unattainable is much more possible now. Aquarius you are realizing that adjusting to the goal you are trying to achieve is the answer to your problems. Lastly you are capable of more than you think, you just have to believe in yourself. 


This week you are looking for a new adventure. Capricorn the universe is on your side and will soon put an adventure in your path. You work very hard but you also deserve to have fun. In addition carefree adventures await you.


This week you might be dwelling on the lack of opportunities coming your way. Sagittarius you are feeling stuck, you are stuck with expecting a specific opportunity. Thus be more open minded and you will see that you in fact have some exciting opportunities. 


This week you have many tasks. Scorpio it is important that you get things done as quickly as possible as you may have more work to do. In particular there is a chance you may be chosen to take on a role that will have a significant impact in your life.


This week you are thinking about your fulfillment. Libra you are wondering if you are living up to your full potential. Someone or something has you dwelling on your purpose of life. You may feel like you have settled in some areas of your life. Finally, don’t worry the universe will show you where you can exceed your highest potential. 


This week is perfect for self care. Virgo this is the best time to become your own therapist. It is very tough for you to show your feelings, thoughts, and secrets. You might be feeling like it is not the right time to confide in someone. That is completely okay, you find wash to encourage and inspire yourself. 


This week you will be happy and radiant. Leo you are always the star wherever you go but this week specifically the spotlight will be on you. You might be building a reputation for yourself where your career can flourish. Furthermore you are on the right path. 


This week you will be focusing on something you actually have been trying to avoid. Cancer, it seems like you have a deadline approaching quickly. I suggest you take care of that deadline as soon as possible. It might seem very time consuming but it will all be worth it in the end.


This week is the perfect time to win someone over to your side. Gemini you might want to partner up with this person regarding an idea. The key is to not be direct rather than speak with actions. Therefore your amazing hard work and enthusiasm will win this person over. 


This week you may not be in the mood to have a complicated conversation with someone. Taurus someone may be bothering to talk about something you might not be ready to talk about. In this case be understanding of yourself, don’t have that conversation if it is going to upset you.


This week you might have promised yourself that you would get something done by a certain time. Don’t be hard on yourself, the quality of your work matters. However it is okay to ask for more time, it is nothing to be ashamed about.