What You Didn’t Know About Dogs

Woof! Woof! Do you really know your dog? Ever wondered more things about your furry friends than beside its name and breed. How much do you know about your furry best friend. Here are 5 facts you didn’t know about dogs.

Some dogs have strong enough noses to sniff out medical conditions.

Dogs can be your doctor too. If they have a strong scent, dogs can be trained to become medical detection dogs. They can tell when a human has a specific medical condition. As well as reminding their owner that they need more medication. For instance, dogs can tell if you have COVID-19 during these times. 


Dogs have about 220 scent receptors in their noses. Whereas us, we only have about 5 million scent receptors. Moreover, dogs can sense different types of cancer with different samples. In addition, they can sense other diseases such as malaria, Parkinson’s disease, even as detecting migraines.

Dogs have three eyelids

Dogs have a third eyelid called a haw. It closes across the eyes. It serves as protection for that important eye. The haw cleans the debris off their eye. It does have a gland that produces tears for the eyes. The third eyelid helps fight infection with a limpid tissue. Although, the third eye has a gland that can “pop” out and be visible. Apart from this, it is only visible in certain breeds such as beagles, Boston terriers, bull dogs, and cocker spaniels. Once it “pops” it can cause irritation to the dog’s cornea. It is not recommended to be removed because it does serve a purpose.

Dogs can be faster than a Cheetah

We thought cheetah’s are the fastest animals, but turns out some dogs are faster than them. Obviously, dogs can outrun us, humans. The fastest dog breed is the Greyhound. Within seconds of running, they can run as fast as 45mph. On the other hand, cheetahs can run up to 70 mph, but can only keep it going for about 30 seconds. Whereas dogs can run beyond 35 mph for seven miles. Therefore, in a race between a cheetah and Greyhound, the Greyhound would catch up to the cheetah.

Dogs sweat differently

When we sweat, we are smelly and wet, but dogs sweat. It’s different. Instead of sweating a watery liquid like we do, dogs produce a pheromone laden oily substance humans can’t detect. Although, they do sweat like us on their paws. They pant to cool down.

Dog have dreams

If you have seen your dog twitch in the middle of the night, it means they are dreaming. They dream just like we do. Dogs have sleep patterns and brain activity like humans. Smaller breeds tend to dream more than larger breeds. Nobody knows what dogs might be dreaming about, but it could be about playing outside. Though, dogs can have nightmares too. It can be about a traumatic experience or an actual fear they have. If you see your dog whining or show sounds of distress, then they are having a nightmare.