How to Cope with Social Stress

Everyone at some point or another has dealt with social stress. We have dealt with stress that may stem from one’s relationships with other people. We may have also dealt with stress from our social environment in general. It is without doubt that social stress is a growing problem in our society. When people are dealing with a lot of social stress, it can lead them to having bad headaches. Not only headaches but also a fast heart rate, lungs tightening, anxiety, dizziness, and depression to name a few. To some even, they think that social stress may not be relieved and it is just a part of life. 

What leads to social stress?

Many things might lead to social stress, however many believe that it is because we throw ourselves into huge amounts of social environments. Although we may throw ourselves to be very social, we may throw it in wrong ways which put us in little control of the situation. This can eventually lead to even more stress. In today’s society many people throw themselves into social settings that can be chaotic or unknown. To most people that place is known as social media.

How is social media the issue?

Social media takes us looking in an electronic device that constantly changes social statuses. Not only that, but also critical comments, nonstop comparisons, and gloom and doom media reports that mess with our emotional and mental well-being. Sometimes perhaps we may be focused on what we read social media and care how people think and say. So people may adopt to themselves trying to be someone they are not.  

How to cope with social stress?

Well many people deal with social stress in different ways, however in my opinion I believe being outside with friends or family helps a lot. People must remind themselves that living a social life is really good for us. After all we are human, social creatures by nature and we do have companionship and friendships. One thing I like to do a lot is spend time with the family whether it’s at a park, beach, or someone’s backyard. While spending time with family try not to be focused on your phone just enjoy what’s happening at the moment. Be sure to turn off your social media, turn off your notifications and enjoy having face to face conversations. It is the face to face interactions that I think helps us calm our minds.

Do we have to delete social media?

I wouldn’t say you should delete it, just turn it off or don’t focus it when you are having face to face interactions. I do highly recommend to spend a lot of time with loved ones and turn off social media notifications. Face to face interactions is perhaps the best way to cope with stress in my opinion.  Â