5 Ways to Unplug From Social Media

Finals are approaching quickly and you’re in the midst of a study session and inevitably,  your phone rings. It’s a notification from Twitter and now you are officially distracted. Thankfully, there are 5 ways to unplug from your social media accounts with some recommendations from Lifehack.

Have an Agenda

The first hour of your morning should be dedicated to planning your agenda says this social media agency Singapore. You don’t want any surprises coming your way, so make sure you study for that pop quiz, be on time for your doctor’s appointment, and don’t forget the study group session you’ve been holding off. Gradually, this method transitions to a ritual and you won’t feel the urge to reach for your phone.

Mute your socials

Still feel your hand itching to scroll through your profile for the fifth time? Turn off your notifications. No more dings or buzzing that could easily be mistaken for a text. Turning off your push notifications also saves your battery’s life and that’s incredibly helpful information if there are no outlets nearby. Leave all your marketing to https://www.smm-world.com/ 

Give your phone distance

If turning off push notification is not enough, place it as far away from you as possible. If you are a YouTuber then subs are important but, When you’re about to study in your room, place your phone, tablet, or computer on the opposite side of the room. Make sure it remains within visible distance. You never want to miss a call from your parents.

Avoid multitasking

Remember planning at the beginning of the day? Luckily, you jotted downtime for social media. Now, social media is not the same as responding emails. Don’t try to multi-task responding an email and spilling tea to your friend, you might end up sending the wrong information to the incorrect recipient. 

Live your life to its fullest

By doing that, be active on campus and join a club. You’ll never know who you might meet if you socialize. Write down your thoughts or ideas and transform them into poetry. Doing so boosts your creativity and calms anxiety. Events on campus happen frequently. You can attend these events and use the opportunity for networking with others. Go out with family or friends. Take the challenge of viewing life without a social media filter.

A print version of this article appeared on Tuesday, Nov. 27th.  This article was adjusted for the purpose of an online publication.