Our New Famous Hair Stylist! Salon Technique: Izzy Robinson Review

There is a new, modernized salon on the corner of East Commonwealth and North Harbor called Salon Technique.

Located on 101 N. Harbor Blvd, Salon Techniques has been operating for a little over two years now on rent and is owned by sisters: Pamela and Lynette Coryell.

I have been going to Salon Technique over the past year and I can proudly say that this is my favorite hair salon that I have ever been to and that’s saying a lot because I have thick, long Russian hair. I’ve had services rendered from simple haircuts to ombres and weaving. Their products and salon supplies perth are of the top quality.

I originally found out about Salon Technique through a good friend who takes pride in maintaining healthy, beautiful hair. She introduced me to her hair stylist, which happens to also be a good friend, Izzy Robinson who is a local to the community.

Izzy has been working as a cosmetologist for six years now. She received her certificate from Fullerton Cosmetology School in 2008. Her first salon related job was in Monrovia, CA, at an upscale high-end salon called Verita and was employed with this company for three years.

As a resident of La Mirada, Izzy felt that Monrovia was becoming too far of a drive and heard about Salon Technique opening up closer to home.

Salon Technique has proudly been housing Izzy Robinson as one of their cosmetologists for a year and a half now where she has been specializing in primarily hair, cut and color. She is professionally trained in all Loreal products including, but not limited to, Inoa, Majirel, and Richesse Color.

Although Izzy is very confident in the work she does, she makes sure to constantly remain up-to-date with the latest hair care technology. She is continuously expanding her education with all sorts of classes including color classes, product knowledge, cutting techniques, and styling.

I can say from personal experience that Izzy’s passion lies in keeping your hair as damaged free as possible. I have been processing and dying my hair for over ten years straight and after every visit at Izzy’s station my hair comes out feeling practically virgin.

She has also explained the benefits of certain hair care products suitable for my individual case. A couple products she uses during her appointments have been purchased for me through Izzy with the use of her cosmetologist license. I greatly appreciate her countless efforts to be able to work with me.

Hair is very important to women around the world and, as a fellow woman, I can proudly say you won’t fully grasp the experience I have had at Salon Technique under Izzy Robinson’s care until you experience it yourself.

Feel free to call and/or text Izzy at 1 (562) 309-3900 or walk in to schedule an appointment. Salon Technique is Open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. and on Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Make an appointment today!Â