The long awaited “Don’t Worry Darling,” directed by Olivia Wilde, has finally been released, after gossip and controversy greatly amped up the anticipation...
With the Halloween season rapidly approaching, theme parks like Universal Studios set up a limited-time event for Halloween. Their purpose is to scare...
Jack Harlow released his second studio album “Come Home The Kids Miss You” on Friday night after going viral for his second single off the album “First...
The upcoming fourth season of Netflix’s Stranger Things is scheduled to premiere in two volumes, the first premiering on May 27th, 2022 and the second...
The “Happier Than Ever” Billie Eilish World Tour has concluded with the last concert on Saturday, April 9, 2022, in the United States. Thankfully on...
The star of HBO Max's hit series Euphoria and The White Lotus, Sydney Sweeney is now part of Sony’s Marvel Universe Characters. On March 16, it was confirmed...
Written by Yasmine Poot, Podcast Editor Mar 22, 2022
As of March 1, 2022 the ingredient butylphenyl methylpropional also known as lilial has been banned from use in multiple products due to its link with...
It’s been twenty five years since the death of Christopher Wallace or as most people know him, the Notorious B.I.G or Biggie Smalls. It’s been announced...
The national and international music industry has recognized Lina Gonzalez-Granados for her talent in classical music. And now, she will be the resident...