’13 Reasons Why’: Was Hanna Baker’s Final Scene Necessary?

Netflix has released yet another amazing series, “13 Reasons Why” is based on the best selling novel by Jay Asher. The story follows the aftermath of a suicide, and if you haven’t watched the show I suggest you stop reading now since there are major spoilers in the rest of the article. You have been warned.

The show starts with Hannah Baker’s suicide and how her high school is dealing with the loss. Baker leaves a box of cassette tapes that contain the various reasons why she ultimately takes her own life. Each cassette tape has two sides, A and B, and she dedicated each side to specific people.

Clay Jensen, Baker’s love interest, is seen dealing with the aftermath of her suicide and his guilt since her feelings for him were unrequited.

Those with sensitive constitutions should be warned before watching this show, as there is a graphic scene of Baker’s suicide. It’s important to note that depression and suicide should not be romanticized. There is nothing morbidly romantic or funny about suicide. Watching this show was painful for many reasons, Baker’s silent suffering hit too close to home for many viewers.

“13 Reasons Why” has received a lot of mixed reviews, many praising the show for touching on such a sensitive topic while others criticized the insensitivity in which suicide was broached.

Whether you agree with the reviews or not, it’s vital to remember to reach out to those in need of help. Sometimes all someone needs is a compassionate ear.

If you, or anyone you know, are suffering with bullying, depression, or are having suicidal thoughts, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. You can also make an appointment with the Student Health & Psychological Services located in SS230 (second floor of the student services building) or call (562) 908-3438.