A Failing Party

Donald Trump

Not since the 1912 presidential elections has the Republican Party been so partitioned. The unnatural phenomenon that is Donald Trump has ruined the party’s “establishment” and moderates chances of winning the presidential election.

Instead, as it is with Trump in the lead with 67 delegates and Super Tuesday looking to be in his favor, one of two things will happen come the general election.

  1. Trump will win the Republican nomination and potential become president – not because he’s right about anything or the people “chose” him, it’ll be due to the most of the country being couch-critics and not voting – or…
  2. He will lose the nomination and will run as President Roosevelt did, an independent.

If the latter occurs then the Republicans will lose the election as their predecessors and rivals did in 1912 and 2000. If the former occurs then the Republicans, establishment and moderates alike, will have to ride the Trump train, because god forbid that they would allow a socialist or another Clinton become president. In their eyes that is a much worse fate for America.

So what should this failing party do about this former donkey that is dragging their name through the dirt by simply shouting the policies they have been preaching since papa Reagan came into office?

A possible (and apparently out of the box) solution would be to stop gawking at his mesmerizing rallies and inept attempt at announcing his candidacy by stating “I will be the greatest jobs president that God has ever created…”, people who live in front of a camera and who sit behind a keyboard should expose how unqualified of a candidate he is.

It would not be showing partisanship or liberal bias by actually dissecting what he says and claims to be fact. Rather than talking about how much of an outsider he is, journalist and republican leaders both should expose Trump for what he is, a dangerous joke.

He should be held to the same standards as his at one point contender, Dr. Ben Carson, who displayed how unqualified he is by his comments on how America should not allow a Muslim to be president and the deficit of his foreign policy knowledge.

A deficit that Trump shares.

Evident when, during an interview with a conservative radio-talk host, he was asked if he understood the difference between the terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah. Trump displayed for all to see (and hear) how ignorant he is of the Middle East by assuring the talk host that he will know the groups when it matters and arrogantly states”I will know more about it than you know, and believe me, it won’t take me long.”

For a man who self admittedly knows close to nothing about the various ethnic and militant groups that rule the Mid East, he still uses foreign policy as a reason to why he’s a better candidate than his more informed rivals.

Yet Trumps easily wins New Hampshire and South Carolina, the latter state’s exit polls selecting terrorism as its biggest concern.

According to the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement only 45% of the youth vote came out last election, a drop from 2008. And if what my father says about college students being hippy liberals then if the 18-29 year old sect comes out to vote then all will be well. If they don’t and Trump is to become the 45th president of the United States, no one but ourselves will be to blame for not going out to vote and allowing a ignorant minority to dictate our future.