Montebello city council violates state law by meeting in closed session with chief of police

Montebello residents worry about the closed meeting that involved Police Chief Kevin McClure, legal councilman Nikki Moore, City Attorney Arnold Alvarez- Glasman and Councilman Bill Molinari.

While city council members met in a closed session meeting, it is believed that they violated the state law by doing so. Councilman Molinari says the meeting is about how Chief McClure is running the Montebello Police Department. Although the agenda for the meeting cited “Government Code 54957”.

Code 54957 states that the legislative body of a local agency shall not hold any close sessions obtaining information involving threats to the security of the public. There have also been many domestic violence cases in Boston, MA which is alarming.

When asked about the closed session, City Attorney Glasman, walked out of the meeting refusing to answer any questions. Meanwhile Molinari says there are some aspects of the police department that must remain confidential, making the public believe the meeting truly was about the police department.

Resident Maribel Briseno had several questions for the council that remained unanswered. Briseno criticized the council for meeting in secret and continues to ask why it was a closed session. “Was there some type of threat to the city that would require this meeting?” stated Briseno. “ It should be addressed with residents. It should be transparent. I feel we have a right to know.”

Not only is Briseno upset with council members meeting in secret, but so are several other montebello residents.