‘Batman v Superman’: Dawn of Critic Hate

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*Will contain spoilers*

Whether or not this film is considered well made, the history behind its creation and audience response will leave it to be remembered as one of the most diversified movies of 2016. First announced in 2013, this film would build off of the world first introduced in Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel”, which focused on the latest incarnation of the hero Superman. The film earned a solid $668 million, which gave Warner Brothers the confidence to produce an entire cinematic universe built around the characters from DC comic books.

The success of this film is very important, since it is here to help kick-start the DC cinematic universe, and so the Warner Brothers will be able to film and build interest in future films such as “Justice League”, “Wonder Woman”, “The Flash” and more.

Although the film has been torn apart by critics, with a 29 percent on the popular movie website Rotten Tomatoes, on its opening weekend, the movie made $420 million worldwide, $166 million domestically and $254 million in the foreign box office. It’s the fourth largest opening of all time, among popular films such as “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, “Jurassic World”, and “Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows part 2.”

The film is heavily influenced from comic story lines such as “The Death of Superman” and “The Dark Knight Returns”which both are very grim, action packed tales of Batman and Superman being pushed to their limits. These characters and plot points are taken from these stories, and thrown together into a solid action film.

The film begins with an introduction to Ben Afleck’s character Bruce Wayne’s (Batman’s) origin, and where he was during the destructive fight that occurred in the “Man of Steel” movie. It shows how he saw the damage that had occurred to the city of Metropolis.

The film then moves two years ahead, where Henry Cavills character Clark Kent, has been Operating as Superman and has developed a serious relationship with Lois Lane (Amy Adam’s.) Batman has been Operating in Gotham city for 20 years and has been using his time since Superman’s appearance to find a way to take Superman down. Meanwhile, the wreckage of the alien ship from the “Man of Steele” movie is explored by Jessie Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor, who is a rich industrialist who believes Superman to be a false god that needs to be struck down.

The movie explores the character of Wayne and his past, which had made him into a very stubborn and blunt vigilante. This is contrasted by Superman’s “new kid on the block” naive character and inexperience, which is part of the reason Batman feels the need to kill Superman.

Wayne is a damaged person, who has lived long through crime and terror. This is all intensified by his first hand account of Superman’s destructive power. As much as Superman has shown that he is trying to help, no one would be able to stop him if he switched sides, so Batman feels that he needs to be taken out.

As the film progresses, the true side of each character is revealed, and the two leading hero’s work together and eventually meet the other notable hero in the movie: Wonder Woman. Heavily advertised, Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman is seen in short intervals until the end, where she works with the two heroes. The character of Diana Prince really shines as a exciting new character which is going to be a great addition to the DC universe.

There is a lack of action until about three-fourths of the way in, but the intense atmosphere created by the characters clashing personalities raises the tension of the movie, until it ultimately culminates into the actual Superhero fight scenes. There are many moments where the film gets distracted by trying to set up future films and plot points. Hints and scenes are placed in the film that will be confusing to non-comic book readers, but are short and are only a small part of the overall film.

If you are open to interesting interpretations of these iconic comic book heroes, or already have no prior knowledge of these characters, then Batman v Superman will be a great film to see. Even if the film does not have an appeal to some, it would be in the best interest of the movie goer to see it, so that they can participate in the discussion and see for themselves what exactly has people so divided.

Even if the film does not have an appeal to some, it would be in the best interest of the movie goer to see it.